Romney campaigns duel over jobs
BOSTON/FREMONT, California, May 31 (Reuters) The campaigns of President Barack Obama and Republican Mitt Romney took their political gamesmanship up a notch on Thursday, with dueling events that featured raucous heckling, a secret trip for reporters canada goose clearance and symbolic backdrops that reflected the increasing intensity of the tight canada goose outlet vancouver race for the White House.
Obama chief strategist David Axelrod invaded Romney home turf, blasting the Republican record as Massachusetts governor at an appearance in Boston where Axelrod frequently was interrupted by an organized crowd of heckling Romney supporters.
Romney retaliated a few hours later with an unannounced trip to the California headquarters of Solyndra, a solar canada goose uk outlet panel company that went bankrupt despite receiving $535 million in loan guarantees from the Obama cheap canada goose uk administration.
Romney campaign went to great lengths to avoid the sort of heckling that greeted Axelrod, keeping the candidate visit to Solyndra secret even canada goose black friday sale from his traveling press Canada Goose sale corps until reporters were boarding the bus for the event.
saw what happened in Boston today, a senior Romney adviser said when asked about the secrecy.
The scenes on each coast highlighted the campaigns battle of messages over jobs and the canada goose economy.
In Boston, Obama camp Canada Goose Jackets argued that Romney experience in Massachusetts was among many signs of the former governor flawed favoritism of the wealthy.
Before a crowd outside the Massachusetts Canada Goose online statehouse, Axelrod noted that the state ranked 47th out of 50 in job creation during canada goose uk black friday Romney four years as governor, from 2003 to 2007. He said the state long term debt grew and Romney broke a tax cutting pledge by raising a range of fees that cheap Canada Goose mostly hurt the middle class.
economics didn work then and it won work now, Axelrod said, straining to be heard over a group of chanting and heckling supporters organized by the Romney campaign.
Romney countered Axelrod attack with the visit to Solyndra, which he said was evidence of Obama poor economic leadership and his failure to understand how a free market economy works.
enterprise to the president means taking money from Canada Goose Online the taxpayers and giving it buy canada goose jacket freely to his Canada Goose Outlet friends, Romney told reporters uk canada goose outlet outside Solyndra headquarters in Fremont, California.
the business had done spectacularly canada goose factory sale well, the shareholders his friends would have done very, very well but the taxpayers canada goose clearance sale would have just gotten their money back, he said.
the other hand, of course, if the business failed, as it did, it the taxpayers that get uk canada goose stuck with canada goose store losing a half a billion dollars. So canada goose coats it heads and his cronies win, and tails and the taxpayers lose.
Romney, who has said his real world business experience makes him uniquely qualified to turn around the sluggish economy, said Massachusetts unemployment rate had dropped to 4.7 percent while he was governor.
guess is the people of America would be very pleased if they could see a number like 4.7 percent, Romney said.
JOBS REPORT LOOMS The exchanges on jobs and the economy, buy canada goose jacket cheap which polls show is the main concern of voters, came canada goose uk shop the day before Canada Goose Parka the federal government releases its May jobs report. unemployment rate Canada Goose Coats On Sale was 8.1 percent in April, when job growth slowed sharply.
Romney clinched the Republican nomination this week with a victory in the Texas primary, although the race had been over for weeks as his remaining rivals suspended their campaigns.
Polls show Romney and Obama running neck and neck nationwide and in many of the crucial battleground states that will be essential to gathering the 270 electoral votes needed to capture the White House.
A NBC/Marist College poll released on Thursday showed Romney and Obama virtually deadlocked in three politically divided states Iowa, Colorado and Nevada.
The Obama campaign has hit Romney hard for his years as head of the Bain Capital private equity fund, accusing it of bleeding jobs from companies to maximize profits before, in some cases, shutting them down.
The canada goose coats on sale criticism has worried some Democrats who fear the attacks could turn off independent voters and be seen as criticism of free enterprise.
In Boston, Axelrod was joined on stage by a mix of Massachusetts Democrats, some of whom had served under Romney. Axelrod said manufacturing jobs disappeared during Romney tenure at twice the national rate and that canadian goose jacket Romney had been about what he can when he can.
He was frequently interrupted by the hecklers, who at times chanted So lyn dra.
Pointing to the hecklers, Axelrod said they were perhaps Romney only backers in the state, where opinion polls show Obama with a big lead.
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