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I don’t particularly like the end-result look of the Dior Diorita Contrast Twist Medium Hobo designer replica bags , but I love the bag on principle. The more I look at handbags, the more clear it becomes that some designers are getting a little lazy with their products – a simple leather bag with a designers name on it does not a fabulous bag make. I’m not a huge Dior fan, but I can certainly appreciate the intricate work that went in to making this bag in particular. At first, at a distance, I thought the bag was made of woven straw, and I was ready to come here and declare my irritation at being charged upwards of two grand for a straw bag. But it’s not straw rotterdamtrojans.nl , and the way they worked the leather is pretty interesting to look at. I’m thinking that at least a good portion of that work had to be done by hand, and that’s no small feat for a mass-produced bag (which, let’s face it, this is). So thank you to the folks at Dior who are still paying attention to the details when charging us out the nose for their bags. At least I feel like I’m getting something in return. Buy through eLuxury for $2500. P.S. Please consider supporting our small, bag-loving team by clicking our links before shopping or checking out at your favorite online retailers like Amazon,Neiman Marcus,Nordstrom,or any of the listed partners on our shop page. We truly appreciate your support!
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