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Maison Margiela has a new captain at the helm, and I, for one, am very excited to see John Galliano’s prêt-à-porter debut at the house. Especially after seeing his Spring ’15 couture collection. And even more especially when I see a bag like this, suggesting the house is headed in a fresh and different direction.The shape may have some similarities, but I wouldn’t call this piece a bucket bag. With its perfect amount of slouch and ‘70s-era flair, it’s so much more than that. This bag is a no-brainer daily basic with added appeal, delivered through low-octane yet high-impact details. Pebble-textured leather with a contrasting suede panel peeking out from the inside, adds up to a gorgeous juxtaposition in both black with pale gray and dove gray with chestnut brown. Either way, the skin is butter-soft, the hardware is just enough, and the vibe is thoroughly modern. Maison Margiela bag available in medium-sized gray, $1,855, and mini-sized black, $1 ,460, on Farfetch.Pair with: A pair of crochet-knit dream pants, courtesy of Balmain mihalis , will transition this bag right into spring. Sheer-effect and lightly belled, these flairs are boho-perfection. On NET-A-PORTER for $2,430.

Maison Margiela Medium Bucket Bag: Bringing Up the House

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