Three members of a Nepalese family, including two women and a four year old, drowned in Mula Mutha river in Loni Kalbhor area when they were washing clothes near the river bankAccording to the Loni Kalbhol police, the incident happened at around 3 pm on Monday. The victims have been identified as Chandrakala Raju Bhool (30), Bhajan Bharatsingh Raju Bhool (19) and Sonia Raju Bhool (4)According to the statement given to the police by Bharat Singh Birbahadur Bhool (60), an elder from the victims family, his daughter in law Chandrakala, daughter Bhajan and granddaughters Sonia and Anisha Shankar Bhool (11) had gone to wash clothes near the crematorium on the bank of Mula Mutha river. However, the trio got swept away in the river current and Anisha ran home to alert the family.
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